Offering versatile high quality, certified drill rigs in both skid and fly configurations.
Omineca Diamond Drilling Ltd. currently operates nine Multi-Power Products Discovery II certified core drills and three Zinex A5 core drills. These very capable drill rigs are equipped with Valdor 5000 rod manipulators. They are easily converted from ‘skid’ configuration to ‘fly’ configuration and vice versa.
These drill rigs have proven to be extremely reliable in all conditions and operate with minimal downtime. Multi-Power Products and Zinex provide excellent support services for all the equipment they supply to Omineca Diamond Drilling Ltd.
“Omineca arrived on time with all required equipment in excellent condition, organized and ready to be put to work. All of their drill personnel were experienced, efficient and professional in their conduct at the job site and in camp throughout the entire drill program. Both Tony and Bruce took an active role in organization prior to the onset of drilling and maintained their high standards for service during and after the program was completed.”
Cornell McDowell, P.Geo.
VP Exploration
Aben Resources Ltd.