Our Crews
Omineca Diamond Drilling Ltd. continues to attract some of the most responsible and dedicated operators in the industry. Our crews are staffed by skilled drilling personnel operating in a positive and safe working environment. Our experienced crews take pride in ensuring that all of our clients receive the best possible service and results.
“Skeena Resources believes in strong community ties, therefore, hiring of local First Nation employees is very important for us and any contractor who works with Skeena. Omineca has been very proactive in hiring and training local workers for Skeena’s projects with most helpers and several drillers of First Nations descent. Omineca also worked very closely with our other contractors (Silver King Helicopters and Rugged Edge Holdings (pad building)) to ensure safe and harmonious working relationships. As a diamond drill company, skilled at problem solving and producing core in difficult terrain and weather conditions, fairness in billing and overall professionalism, Omineca Diamond Drilling has my recommendation to anyone looking for the same.”
Colin Russell, P. Geo.
Project Manager,
Skeena Resources Ltd.